The ONLY Playing Cards Truly Dedicated to Magicians!
Since its creation in 2009, the Phoenix Deck has become the chosen deck for use by professionals and non-professionals alike.
Produced in Casino Quality - with the highest precision and quality at the United States Playing Card Company - the Phoenix Deck has many built in features not available in other playing cards:
- Punched through the Backs to allow Perfect Faro Shuffles.
- Hidden features printed on every card to allow sleightless effects.
- Aces were designed with increased visibility for your spectators.
- Fastest growing range of gimmicked cards and decks.
- Ever expanding portfolio of card effects from such Masters of Magic as Dani DaOrtiz, Boris Wild, David Stone, Pitt Hartling, Jörg Alexander, Joshua Jay, Henry Evans, John Kennedy, Tom Stone, Tommy Wonder..... To just name a few.....
Available with red or blue Phoenix back cards.
Phoenix Standard Deck